Monday, August 8, 2011

Bucky's Palimpsest

1. Bucky's Palimpsest is:

A recurring Title for future ETP postings

Googleable (Try it.)t

The Title of a new Blog.

2. Google is revising Google Groups and I am resurrecting ETP Team Network (ETN)..

3. Anyone may post to ETN. Posts will be moderated by ME and my 7 Managers
(Members of ETN should definitely check out the ETN syrw now. Managers get privilegesin return for their resposiblity.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Transparency and Dialogue (Updated 8/6/2011)

I am very confident of the worth of my progress on the weekend..
My work has transparency thanks to Google and also provides for dialogued POV"s

Update: Is Dee Jenkins friend or foe? At ETP, view how she (and others) respond to this post

A finally,, if you, dear reader, are a friend -- Please Comment here as well as on ETP itself.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Problem Posting this as an ETP ARTICLE

Editor's Note : See for the solution
At about 9AM Sonny and I discussed the Journal and it's possible reception by ETPMembers.
Now,, at 1:15 PM, the article for the Journal hasn;t been posted; However, I did e-mail the Journal link to some Menbers.
I expect  the process to be easier with more practice
The Comment "Moderators" has been posted to "the BOX".

Glory be to Google see alo post in Bucky's Blog

Bucky's Blog has a post which describes my Google App Usage.

There are three Social Apps: Blogger; Knol and Reader. It is only Knol, used for" The BOX", that is new and difficult for me.
I have achieved two important milestones in the last three days:
1. The realization of devices for using Blogger as you;ll see me do here, and
2. The discovery of Knol and hurried use of it create the BOX, my software which I think will prove very important, used toward a Agenda of Best Content and Faculty to Communicatethe Importance of Order. to ETP.
I am now sharing with you a profound realization:

Here what was required is come to pass. Progress to  communicate was stifled by behaviors which were not solving the procedural problems.
My inventive use of Google tools has solved the PROCEDURAL problems. All else is going to come out in the wash  ---- once you "get it" you will be changed.

Of further note, "Necessity was the Mother of this invention for ETP postig?
You, Dirty Bastards, have made it such that WE NOW HAVE  THE MEANS  TO OVERCOME..
ANd it is I who am leading you toward using them yourself

Regarding Jan Johnson (Raindance)

Jan is telephone as well as e-mail* and Facebook** Friend

Jan is missed at ETP.
Jan has the wonderful forte in posting that she always provides positive reinforcement (R+). Her presence is always super-refreshing for me and I think others.

Editors notes:

* I do have a 35-person, G-Mail list of ETP Members.. And:
Kent Wicker has vehemently reprimanded me for including him. I say, Screw you, Kent.
Bill Burke and Dee Jenkins have blocked my e-mail.  They seem to think such is OK; I don't.
I am looking g forward  to Comments --and do intend provide for proper discussion

**I am Robert James Walter on Facebook, which I joined when urged by Michael Weiksner and Sonny Clark. I will accept Friends. I will appreciated Readers  signing up as "Followers" of my Blogs.

#It is 5:07 AM.  I am happy.    ------- The next task
will be the making of the post which presents the .
5:22AM But, --- Glory Be To Google --  All I need to do can be done by continuing the process of postings here
Bucky's ETP Journal  BLOG to ETP itself

About "The BOX", "Bucky's ETP Jewel Box" --- and explaining the word "Palimpsest"

By using the word incorrectly --- I now have task to explain things more thoroughly; something I had yet to do at Bucky's Blog.

Text Pending
Read the background activity*  that  necessitated the creation of the knol .
*Essentially my posts  (and me, personally)  have been screwed by bad behaviors.

Regarding Sonny Clark

Sonny is a friend. He is eligible to be a collaborator

Regarding Bill Burke

Text pending

Do make comment --- see current and recent articles
Editor note:; the spurious "D"''s generate billing for others in future posts.---- I do do thumbnails.

Regarding Manny Cass

Text pending.

Please do make comment

Surgeaholic did on ETP and I've commented there.